文章分享 | 水下摄影基础构图




In its most basic definition, composition is the arrangement of the elements of your image as part of the whole. Composition, as well as lighting, is the key way that photographers put subjective input into an image. Therefore, it’s important to put your own creative touch on composition.  There is no right or wrong to composition. It’s definitely an art, not a science.




“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs” – Ansel Adams


好照片没有固定的评判标准– Ansel Adams


That said, there are a few tried and true composition rules that often make images more visually pleasing to audiences. Proper composition will emphasize the subject to the viewer.



Frog Fish wide angle underwater photograph by Matt Weiss

广角水下镜头下的躄鱼-- Matt Weiss

Composition Doesn’t Just Happen



Beginner photographers often see a subject they like and just start shooting. Taking some time to think about how the subject would look best in the frame and within its environment can dramatically increase the impact of the image.




This guide will provide you with some basic composition tips that will help improve your images. Many of these tips are not specific to underwater photography and will be relevant to all of your photography efforts. While these are basic guidelines that work, they are merely a starting point for you to eventually develop your creative vision.


本指南将为您提供一些基本的构图技巧,有助于改善您照片的质量。这些技巧中有许多不是专门针对水下摄影的, 而是与所有的摄影工作相关的。这些是基本指导方针,但这仅仅是你培养创造性视野的一个起点。



Camera Orientation: Portrait or Landscape



There are two general orientation options of our camera, vertical and horizontal. When we shoot vertically, it is referred to as “portrait” and horizontal images are referred to as “landscape”. Be sure to approach every subject with an open mind. Feel free to shoot both portrait and landscape images of the same subject. Sometimes you might surprise yourself and find the orientation that you wouldn’t have originally chosen is better than you thought.




Enough Fish Butts and Dorsal Fins


Fish tail underwater photograph



When diving, we are in a three dimensional world, and when swimming over a reef, we are usually looking down on the life below.  Resist the urge to just start shooting the top of the fish.  You usually need to get below the fish, or at least at eye level, in order to make a pleasing image.  Therefore, always remember this when composing your shots - get low and shoot up. No more dorsal fin shots!





Another common mistake is scaring the subject and then chasing after it to get the shot. Fish swim faster than you. You will never catch up. You will end up with fish butt shots. Be patient and take the time to wait until the subject is facing you. As to be discussed later, eyes are the most important part of the subject. A viewer can't relate to a subject without eyes.



Don’t Cut Off Parts of Your Subject



Avoid cutting off parts of your subject with the edges of the frame. Sometimes it is okay to not include the entire subject in the photo. This is usually true for creative macro shots where the frame is filled with a strategic part of a subject. If you can’t include the entire subject in the shot, it will only work with a creative composition, like a face portrait or eye shot.  However, cutting off part of the subject when the shot was clearly meant to include it in its entirety will result in an image that subconsciously reads as being incomplete.



Cuttlefish underwater photograph by Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss拍摄的水下乌贼

This is a well lit, sharp image of a cuttlefish, but unfortunately part of the animal is cut off. Make sure you get the entire subject in the frame





Focus On the Eyes



Some people say that the most important rule of wildlife photography is making sure the eyes of the subject are in sharp focus. Out of focus eyes means that you will lose the focus of your audience. This makes sense as humans show a lot of expression in our eyes. When we talk to one another, we look at each other in the eye. Therefore, it’s only natural for us to be drawn to the eye in the image. If you are shooting with large apertures or with high magnification macro lenses that have shallow depths of fields, it is very important that you ensure the focus point is on the eye. Luckily, eyes usually offer good contrast and auto-focus can pick them up well. By locking the focus on the eye, and then composing your image, you have the best chance of keeping this important feature sharp.


有人说,野生动物摄影最重要的规则是确保拍摄对象的眼睛在清晰的焦点上。失去焦点的眼睛意味着你将失去你的观众的焦点。确实,因为人类的眼睛里有很多表情。当我们和对方说话时,我们会看着对方的眼睛。因此,在照片中被眼睛吸引是很自然的。 如果你是用大光圈或高倍微距镜头拍摄,但景深较浅,确保焦点在眼睛上是非常重要的。幸好,眼睛通常有很好的对比度,自动对焦可以很好地捕捉它们。把焦点锁定在眼睛上,然后构成你的图像,


Goby on coral underwater photography by Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss拍摄的虾虎鱼

Even if the rest of the subject is out of focus, it's the eyes that need to be sharp




Give Fish Room to Swim



Any subject that is actually, or potentially could be, in action should be placed far from the edge with room to “swim into the frame”. In other words there should be more space in front of the swimming fish then behind it.  If the moving object is close the edge, it looks like it may “swim” of the edge, which subconsciously makes the viewer uncomfortable.


任何正在或可能正在活动的物体都应该在远离画面边缘的地方,以便有足够的空间让它们“游进画面”。 换句话说,游动的鱼的前面应该比后面有更多的空间。 如果移动的物体靠近画面的边缘,看起来就像是在边缘“游动”,会让视角看上去不舒服。


Fish swimming out of the frame


Here the fish appears to be swimming out of the frame, which is uncomfortable to the viewer


Fish underwater photography by Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss拍摄的鱼

This is the same fish as above, but the image is cropped so that fish is swimming into the frame, which feels much more natural



The Rule of Thirds: Don’t Aim For the Bulls Eye



The rule of thirds might as well be called the golden rule of photographic composition. This rule dictates that an image should be divided up into thirds both horizontally and vertically, and the important elements of the image should fall on or close to the intersections. Aligning key compositional elements of the image with these intersection points will make an image more interesting.


三分法可以说是摄影构图的黄金法则。 这一规则要求图像应该在水平和垂直方向上被分成三份,图像的重要元素应该落在或接近交叉点。将图像的关键组成元素与这些交叉点对齐将使图像看起来更有趣。


Rule of thirds underwater photograph by Matt Weiss

三分法水下摄影-- Matt Weiss

A focal point of the image, the divers eyes, were aligned close to a point where the lines intersect to make the image more interesting




You will notice that most great landscape images have key subject matter offset from the middle and do not have the horizon smack dab in the middle, but closer to one of these lines. The rule is mainly applied so photographers avoid placing the main point of interest in the middle of the frame, referred to as “bulls eyeing,” which normally produces a boring image.




Horizon rule of thirds composition by Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss---地平线三分构图法则

Here the horizon line was placed in the bottom third of the image, rather than in the middle



Lines, Shapes and Colors



Diagonal Lines



Adding a diagonal flow to the placement of your subject(s) and/or background, can be one of the major ways to make your images more dynamic, creating more interest for the viewer.



Ornate ghost pipefish by Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss所拍摄的尖嘴鱼

Here the ornate ghost pipefish is shot to utilize diagonal lines in the compositions


Non-Diagonal Lines



Lines are more common in the underwater world than you may think.  Using these lines effectively can help improve an image's composition.




Different types of lines have different qualities that can change the impact of the image. For example, vertical lines imply strength and power. If you wanted to emphasize the size of something, say, large barrel sponges or massive stalactites, shooting them vertically can help.




Ornate ghost pipefish underwater photograph by Matt Weiss

Matt Weiss拍摄的尖嘴鱼


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