Making Sense of Sensors – Full Frame vs.APS-C



选择摄影器材时,(抛开品牌,预算的考量)最重要的则是感光件(像素,大小 etc)和镜头(视角)的考量。水下摄影亦是如此。第一是出于因为拍摄物体大小引申出来的水下视角范围的考量;其二是成像好坏的考量。



Making Sense of Sensors – Full Frame vs.APS-C

There is more to a full frame sensor thansimply being bigger than an APS-C one and it is not necessarily the best choicefor all types of photography. Find out why in this in-depth article on thedifferences between full frame and APS-C cameras and lenses.

Sep 29, 2016

感光件对于摄影的重要性- 全画幅vs. APS-C





It’s hard to find a photographer these dayswho doesn’t have a digital camera, where an electronic sensor replaces film asthe means of recording the results of the shutter click. However, many of theterms used in film photography persist into the digital era, such as ‘fullframe’. In this article we will explain the terminology and how the size of thesensor affects the quality of the images taken.



Full frame Sensor Cameras

For those new to photography, let’s firstget some basic definitions out of the way. 35mm film was the dominant standardin still photography until digital photography took off. The term ‘full frame’refers to the sensor being the same size as a single negative (or frame) on a35mm roll of film ie 24 x 36mm. So, the image sensor inside a full frame camerabody is 24mm high and 36mm wide. The ratio of width to height of a sensor isknown as the aspect ratio which governs the proportions of each image. With afull frame camera (and 35mm film) it is a ratio of 3:2.





APS-C Sensor Cameras

APS stands for Advanced Photo System. This is a film format that was introduced in 1996, but has since been discontinued. APS film frames measure 16.7 x 30.2mm, but there are three different APS digital image formats: H (highdefinition), C (classic) and P (panorama). All three are smaller than the original APS and 35mm film size, hence the term ‘cropped sensor’. The H format is the same ratio as the entire APS negative, while the C format has an aspect ratio of around 3:2, the same as in a full frame camera. The exact size of an APS-C digital sensor varies slightly depending on the camera manufacturer. APS-C images sensors can be found in most digital SLR, mirrorless and compact systems cameras. It is no wonder, then, that the selection of APS-C lenses and camera bodies on the market is very large compared to their full frame counterparts. 


APS全称是高级图片系统,是在1996年推出的一种胶片电影格式,现已停产。APS胶片尺寸为16.7 x 30.2mm,有三种不同的APS数字图像格式: H(高清)、C(经典)和P(全景)。这三种感光件都比原来的APS和35毫米的胶片尺寸要小,因此被称为“裁剪后的感光件”。H格式与整个APS底片的比例相同,而C格式的长宽比约为3:2,与全画幅相机相同。APS-C数字感光件的确切尺寸因相机制造商的不同而略有不同。APS-C图像感光件可以在大多数单反、无反光镜和卡片机型系统相机中找到。因此,与全画幅的同类产品相比,市场上的APS-C镜头和机身选择非常多也就不足为奇了。

Lenses are designed to suit the sensor type
The APS- c format is the one most commonly found in digital SLR, mirrorless and compact systems cameras. 

This has led to a wider choice of lenses being manufactured to suit APS-C sensors. 




APS-C sensors: cropped images

Because an APS-C image sensor is smaller than a full frame sensor, APS-C cameras have a smaller area to capture a scene. In other words, the scene is ‘cropped’, as illustrated below. With an APS-C sensor, the angle of view is narrower. This creates the impression of being zoomed in more. Although the depth of field remains the same in both cases, the background is “sharper” than the same shot taken with a full frame sensor and the same aperture. So by using different image sensors, you have created two very different images.


APS-C感光件: 被裁剪后的图像


The crop factor
The crop factor allows you to figure out what the field of view would be in a 35-mm film format equivalent camera based on the actual focal length you are using on a APS-C camera. It also helps you compare lenses. The crop factor is always calculated by dividing the full format size by the size of the APS sensor. Let’s take an example.
Suppose your APS-C image sensor is 25.1 x 15.7mm. If you divide 36mm by 25.1mm (36/25.1), you get 1.43. That’s the crop factor. If you put a 70-mm lens on a digital SLR camera that has an APS-C image sensor and multiply this focal length by the crop factor (70 x 1.43 = 100), you would produce the same field of view as if you were using a 100mm focal-length lens on a full frame camera. Crop factors for digital SLR cameras can vary between 1.3x and 2x. The higher the crop factor, the more zoomed in the image will appear.






假设你的APS-C图像感光件是25.1 x15.7mm。如果用36毫米除以25.1毫米(36/25.1),得到1.43,这就是转换率。如果将70毫米镜头放在APS-C图像感光件的数码单反相机上,并将此焦距乘以焦距转换率(70 x 1.43 = 100), 此搭配的视角等同于用全画幅相机上使用100mm焦距镜头的视角。




Which sensor is ‘better’?

It’s a myth that full frame cameras and lensesare, by definition, better than their APS-C counterparts. Granted, due to thelarger sensor size – and higher price tag – professional photographers mainlyuse full frame cameras. But the choice of APS-C or full frame is not aboutprice or size. Ultimately, it depends on your goals, ideas, and the kind ofphotography you like to do.





Staying in the background

One big advantage of APS-C sensors is thatthe cameras that have them are smaller and lighter than a full frame camera. Soif you like to do street photography, compactness may be just what you need.You’ll be able to capture the atmosphere and your subject while remaininginconspicuous. APS-C cameras and lenses are a good choice for streetphotography as they are smaller and lighter so less obtrusive.





Depth of field

A crop-sensor camera also comes in handyfor macro shots. Recall that depth of field (DOF) is the distance between theclosest and furthest parts in an image that will appear in focus. At the sameaperture and for the same field of view, an APS-C sensor will have a higherdepth of field than with a full frame camera.景深



A full frame sensor camera and lens willhave less in focus for a given aperture and field of view than an APS-Ccombination, allowing more creative effects.


APS-C cameras enable you to fill the framewith your subject from a greater distance, so the images will look more zoomedin than if they had been with taken with a full frame camera. This can be anadvantage when you cannot, or should not, get too close to your subject, suchas wildlife, an athlete or another source of action. An APS-C sensor magnifiestelephoto lenses, enabling you to get “closer up” with these. A 200mm lens onan APS-C camera will act like a 300mm lens on a full frame camera.






Advantages of full frame sensors

That said, full frame camera systems offerseveral distinct advantages over APS-C sensors. For starters, you’ll have morecontrol over the depth of field because you’ll need to move in closer to yoursubject. This could be important for portraits or if you want to create otheraesthetic effects.





A full frame camera/lens combination alsodelivers better image quality. The reason is the pixel pitch: a larger sensorwith the same number of pixels means each individual pixel is larger; thisallows more light to be captured. Hence, full frame systems also perform betterwhen the light is weak, enabling you to confidently raise your ISO settings.For night photography, full frame sensors win hands down over APS-C sensors.




Full frame systems also produce more finerdetails because the pixels are larger, creating a better dynamic range than anAPS-C sensor would with the same number of pixels. Because of a full framesensor’s larger size and the larger field of view it projects, a full framelens/camera combination is also more suitable for wide-angle shots, which isrelevant for architectural, landscape or product photography.




A full frame camera and lens is the bestchoice for wide-angle landscape images.



Mixing and matching

Given the ubiquity of APS-C lenses andcamera models, how much mixing and matching is possible between both systems?



All full frame lenses can be used on anAPS-C camera with the same bayonet, but you will still only get a croppedframe. Putting an APS-C lens on a full frame camera will also produce a croppedscene. This will cause vignetting (black corners) on the image as light can’treach into all the corners. Fortunately, some full frame cameras recognize anAPS-C lens and automatically switch to a crop mode. That happens if you put aTouit lens on a Sony full frame camera.



Investing for the future

Both full frame and APS-C sensor formatswill continue to exist alongside each other. That said, upgrading to full framelenses and camera models will always be a winning recipe for maximum creativepotential. Full frame is also a solid investment in the future because fullframe systems never become obsolete. Future innovation in both types of sensorswill be driven by the quest for even higher resolution, a trend already visiblein video.

Full frame vs APS-C sensors and lensessummary




全画幅vs APS-C感光件和镜头摘要

Which will suit you best?

Street Photography: APS-C, smaller,lighter cameras

Macro Photography: APS-C, greaterdepth of field

Sports, Wildlife: APS-C, greater reachfor a given focal length

Architecture, Landscape: Full frame, largerfield of view, more suitable for wide-angle shots

Night Photography: Full frame, sensorcaptures more light

Creative Flexibility: Full frame,greater ability to choose a narrow depth of field

Superior Image Quality: Full frame, higherpixel pitch

街头摄影: APS-C,更小,更轻的相机

微距摄影: APS-C,景深更大

体育,野生动物: APS-C,在给定焦距下可达到更大范围







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